Sex is an activity best experienced when shared. There are a variety of sexual conditions that currently exist which may cause some to raise an eyebrow. Understanding that everything is not what it seems and being able to enjoy what makes you feel happy are just two reason why I enjoy phone sex as much as I do. It’s an opportunity for me to speak with people who usually would be “coerced” to contain their outrageous, yet enjoyable desires.
Now I know you are expecting me to say my best phone sex experience was five hours of “unadulterated teasing which lead to a ‘massive explosion,'” but that’s not the one. This call came on a Wednesday afternoon, ten minutes after I signed in for the day. Usually, most of my day is scheduled according to my appointment book, so this call caught me off guard. But, of course, I was ready.
He came to me as a first time caller with a lot on his mind. I enjoy beginners to the same degree as my regular callers. So I knew he would be in for a pleasant surprise.
I started this call as I always do, by getting to know him. I believe people can be themselves with a person who understands and accepts them. He told me about his current relationship and explained the lack of “physical” contact with his wife. In a short time, he had confessed that he feels his wife is cheating on him and turning him into a cuckold because he is obviously not “man” enough to fulfill her needs.
I told him in a very polite way that there’s no need to be unhappy with himself just because he has been unable to please his wife. Maybe that is not what he was meant to do. When it comes to men, women usually associate “large” numbers with them.
Meaning, in everything from their income to their shoe size, women always expect it to be “large.” This is especially true when it comes to the size of a man’s penis. I am not going to tell you exactly why my callers cock is not considered very “manly.” However, I will tell you that I understand why he might feel that way.
When my caller was able to relax and listen to what I had to say about his “shortcoming,” he was able to leave our session with his head firmly in the clouds. Until our call, he had only looked at the negative effect of not being able to have the sexual relationship with his wife that others presume. Let’s be honest, there are a lot of men who are having doubts about themselves and their relationships.
Men cannot run to their “guy” friends with all of their doubts because, in today’s society, those actions are frowned upon. The same is true when I talk to many women. They cannot easily grasp that men have concerns, just as they do. Consequently, they are not always open to new ideas and concepts. This is why phone sex with Vox Erotic is so important and powerful!
My love for variety makes me different than most women. I take pleasure in having options in life and the same is true when it comes to men. There is not a man alive that I could not enjoy in one way or another.
Being able to release years of embarrassment and uncertainty for a man who really needed advice is what ultimately made this “my favorite phone sex call” ever! Our call was only twenty minutes, but we were able to express all of the thoughts flowing through our minds.
I speak with him on a regular basis now. Every time, I make him tell me “exactly” what he wants. And I give him just that, with a touch of my southern charm, of course. I always tell him there is no need to sugarcoat anything.
I’m sweet enough, so just be honest with me. Being honest when I ask those embarrassing questions will lead to a “happy ending” every time.
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Calls are $ per minute with a minimum of 10 minutes, billed to your Visa/MC or Discover.
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