Welcome to Vox Erotic, Home of Perfect Phone Sex!
When you call a phone sex company for a session, the whole point is to enjoy yourself! We know that. And we want you to have the most perfect phone sex experience possible. Every time you talk to one of our Mistresses. Maybe you have been considering calling a phone sex company for quite some time now and today is the day you took that first step. Or maybe you just today thought of it and got lucky when you found us!
Either way, we want to help you enjoy yourself and get exactly what you came for. You can help with that, though. Because like any great couple, a phone sex session is a relationship that requires give and take on both ends. We’ll give a little and you do the same, mostly with information to help us guide you through the most mind-blowingly real telephone session you can imagine. An absolutely perfect phone sex session.
Just relax. Nerves are normal. We understand that while you have imagined how amazing it would be to get off to a Mistress on the phone, you have also worried about paying for something that just doesn’t quite do it for you. You’ve heard horror stories about phone sex. How the woman doesn’t seem interested or doesn’t know what she’s doing. But, you don’t have to worry about any of that here!
We are all professional, sexy women who love getting our naughty, sexy, phone-chat on with you. Plus, we have a rockin’ guarantee, that you won’t need, of course, so you are safe. All you need to worry about is the session itself and communicating what you need to really get turned on. All relationships are based on similar things. Being open, being honest and being brave enough to try for amazing every time. We want to give you a leg up on getting to the amazing part, though. So, here are some tips on how to have the best phone sex call ever.
This means you have to trust your phone sex Mistress! Even though you just met us, we can guarantee you, that you won’t regret letting yourself go and opening up to us on the phone. Sex is about more than just sex. It’s an intimacy between the two of us. We are very open minded and love to have fun. So we are ready and willing to listen to anything you have to tell us, no matter how naughty it is.
We like to know what you are interested in and what you are hoping we want to talk about, as well. You’ll find that we have a variety of women here who are interested in a wide variety of fetishes. Consequently, you aren’t ever going to feel as though you aren’t understood or like you are strange.
So be honest and be brave. Tell us what you think about what kind of session you want. Phone sex sessions require complete sexual trust and honesty. And we are happy to give that to you, as long as we get the same in return. For you to have the best session, you have to tell us if you really love to wear panties. Because otherwise, we won’t know.
Or if humiliation is your thing, lets hear about it. Are you hoping someone will be very strict with you? Our Mistresses can be strict or they can give you a bit of a break, taking it a little easier on you. That’s why you have to let them know if you crave the iron fist in the velvet glove. We are all amazing and sexy, but not mind readers. Well, we aren’t quite yet. You never know, though! For now, you have to be open with yourself and then open up to us. Tell us what you really, really want.
Why is this so important? Well, it is all about the relationship when you are talking about sex. Phone sex relationships are no different. If you want to have a sexy phone call that really gets you excited, you need the perfect partner for you! That’s why our ladies are so accessible in so many ways. When you start looking around, you will see that you have so many more options for getting to know us than you have at your average phone sex company.
In fact, you can contact us and be guaranteed a response, just as if you sent an email to a friend. That’s right. All the Mistresses are available, not just for a sexy phone session, but to chat casually beforehand. To make sure you are compatible. You can email any of the ladies, available right now or not. And those who are available, you can send an instant message to, right now.
This way, when you get on the phone with her, you don’t have to worry that this is someone you won’t get along with. Oh no, you can pre-chat online to set up the session and get to know each other a bit. It’s a little like going on a dinner date online before heading back to her place for sex on the phone.
Those of you who like the encounter to be a little more of a surprise, you can still get to know us before making your call. Sexy profiles and blogs are available on all the Mistresses. Everything you see written was done by the Mistress you will be talking to on the phone. We don’t have ghost writers, we have sexy phone operators who are also intelligent and creative and happy to give you a glimpse into their minds and desires.
This way you can get to know us enough to help you choose and still have your first meeting be new and sexy. You can also use one of our forms to help you find the perfect phone sex Mistress. Our customer care Mistresses are happy to assist you in choosing the Mistress who would be best for you. All you have to do is ask!
Just remember, phone sex is based on trust and mutual enjoyment. Don’t be afraid to talk during your session. Tell us if you are really loving something we are doing or make suggestions if you would like for your call to go a different way. We want you to be able to get comfortable, lie back, relax, masturbate and let us take it from there. You and your mistress will both have fun and you can get to that place where you were hoping to be when you picked up the phone. Sex and an unforgettable time!
Or, click here to browse our selection of Phone Sex Mistresses.
$2.99 Per Minute – Minimum of 10 Minutes – Billed to your Credit Card – 18+