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Voxerotic Phone Sex (800) 601-6975

Why I Love Being a Phone Sex Artist


I am an intelligent, confident, strong, sexy woman and I love the creative sexuality (among other things) that comes with being a phone sex artist. I am a cocktease, something that has always come naturally to me. And because of this, it was only natural for me to get into the sex industry. In addition, I love getting into a man’s head and exploring. Opening doors that have either long been shut or were never open. Playing out these phone sex fantasies with a client, knowing that he is getting such pleasure from me instructing and playing them out, that is what I love.


Because I am such a versatile phone sex entertainer, I get many different types of calls. No two are the same and I love it! If I had the same call over and over all day long I wouldn’t be in this line of work because it would bore me. I love variety and being a phone sex artist, I get lots of it.  I can go from guided masturbation to using my strap on in the blink of an eye.  Believe me, I can do a role play fantasy with such visualization you will think you’re there.


Love Phone Sex? Versatility Is Important

When I think about all the types of phone sex sessions I enjoy, it’s hard to narrow down to just one favorite! I love listening to a grown man beg.  And hearing him plead always has its perks, beyond taking total control over his current masturbation session. Am I a control freak? No, I just get what I want because I know how to get it.


Taking a man on an explorative sexual journey to a place where he’s never been is amazing. I’ve heard time and again, “I’ve never done that” or “You want me to do what?” only to end the conversation with, “That was the best call I’ve ever had.” I like to push a man’s limits, to make him go that one step beyond. To make him experience something he either hasn’t before or in a different way. Erotic mind fucking is always sweet. If you let me in, you don’t know what I might leave behind and you’ll love every second of it.


What Kinds Of Calls Do We Excel At Here At Vox Erotic?

Fantasy share , sharing fantasies 18+ 1-800-356-6196


  • Sexual creativity
  • Getting into your mind
  • Pushing the limits
  • Making you beg and plead
  • Role playing fantasies
  • Erotic Mind Fucking


Of Course We Love Phone Sex – But There’s Always More!


I also love to deny a man his orgasm, but only if that is what he really wants me to do. Teasing him to a begging point, because he changed his mind. Of course, he can beg all he wants and I’ll just tease more. You will get what you’ve asked for!


And last but not least I love being the confidante for your erotic confession. A client might feel as though nobody understands what he is going through sexually. He might be embarrassed or think that nobody else is experiencing something similar. As a phone sex entertainer, I am not here to judge. My outlook is as long as you are not hurting anybody and everybody is willing, then who is allowed to judge you?


As with any profession, if you are good at it and you love it then you will excel at it. I happen to be amazing at phone sex entertainment and, of course, I love it. If you’re interested in exploring your sexuality then you’re in the right place. All of the Ladies of Vox Erotic have been carefully selected because we all love phone sex just as much as you do! When you’re looking for creative, intelligent, sexually adventurous and highly skilled conversation partners, think of us.


Call Us Toll Free at 800-356-6196


($2.99 per minute, billed to your major credit card)


and we will recommend a phone fantasy specialist
to fulfill your desires