There are phone sex Mistresses of all ages and styles, so how do you know which one is best for you? You search through the profiles and bios of various Mistresses, then read their blogs and possibly communicate with them in an online chat room, but you still are not sure which one will be the best phone sex mistress for you. Let’s look at a couple of things and see if we can narrow it down.
Have you been up front about the kinds of sessions in which you are interested? If you have not discussed this with the phone sex Mistress you are hoping to call, then you need to do this as soon as possible. It is always best to make sure the two of you seem compatible, sharing the same interest in your fantasy or fetish. Is she helpful and open with you, allowing you to feel that you can openly discuss your fetish interests? Communication is the key to making sure you have the best phone sex call ever.
The phone sex Mistress of your choice should be accepting of your fetish, and willing to openly discuss your expectations. Your needs as her submissive are important, as well as hers. The perfect Mistress for you will be one who causes great excitement at the thought of sharing your erotic confession with her, and you will feel great respect for her as well. Scheduling is important in the Mistress/sub relationship. Both parties should be available at a mutually convenient time. If not, is she willing or able to set appointments with you? If the timing cannot be worked out between you, such scheduling difficulties may be an ongoing obstacle to the relationship. You will either have to start searching again or change your own schedule.
When choosing a phone sex Mistress, it is important to thoroughly read her blogs and her written profiles to make sure you are a good fit for each other. While pictures are nice to look at and give you an image to put behind the voice, they don’t tell the entire story. Also, if the opportunity exists to contact the Mistress via messenger or email, then you may want to take advantage of that means of communication. Together you can establish what is needed for the session, and that both of your are committed to doing your particular fetish fantasy. Feel free to ask her any questions beforehand, but be certain to keep it within reasonable time constraints.
You are welcome to submit a Mistress recommendation form on My Perfect Mistress. Our Mistress recommendation team will help match you to a Mistress that best matches your needs.
If you have found a phone sex Mistress that excites your body and mind, is interested in similar fetishes, and is available when you wish to have the session, then odds are you have found a good fit. The journey will be a thrilling one!
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